The world is beautiful, and so is the show when we see it from the eyes of someone who does not have much to offer in this world except for the fact he is breathing. Now that two seasons were over of Master of None, in which we have explored almost all the moments of Dev’s lives, including his romantic interests, fans were getting anxious about getting a new season of the show. Well, it has just come out for us in the American media. Upon its arrival, the watchers are a bit confused. It is because Dev is nowhere in sight, and we do not know if he is ever going to be back or not. But that does not mean that we were not provided with a beautiful story. This time, the Master of None decided to explore another soul in a box, and we saw her life on the screen. This time, the show is about Denise and how she takes the world to be. Dev has appeared at a few moments in the show but not for long, and it is something that fans are disappointed over. The show has never taken such a massive turn before, but we are not minding that it did. Over the course of four years that we have not seen the two characters, their lives have taken insane turns. Denise has now become a successful author has settled down with her partner Alicia whose role is being reprised by Alicia Ackie. This is when Dev decides to pay her friend a visit, and here he sees how the partners have established a better and higher form of living in a gorgeous suburban home.
Master of None Season 3 – Changed Format
At first, we are shown how beautiful life is working out for Alicia and Denise as they are taking their relationship to another level and have shifted in together. But just like the first and the second series have done, the third one also exposes the true insides of the character that might be responsible for eating them day and night. Well, things might seem nice on the outside, but this five-episode installment acknowledged how things are pretty tough for the couple. Denise is trying to focus on her second book and to develop her career. But at the same time, Alicia wants to have a baby together. Both of these plans are interrupting a peaceful state of mind within the couple. This truly reveals how their relationship is not as perfect as it looks from the outside.
Master of None Season 3 Ending Explained
The show, in the start, focuses on how things are pretty normal for Alicia and Denise as the two are seen doing laundry and washing dishes together. At one point, the whole scenario gave away the vibes of calm before the storm, before things were about to turn south for the characters. Although, in the last episode, we go through what Alicia wants and see how the relationship between the two is going to be. I mean, if you have seen the previous episodes, you will realize that everything happens for a reason, and it all falls back in place. Even the chaos that was once started goes on to a peaceful state, and we finally get to understand everything that these characters meant. Aziz Ansari has written all the episodes of Master of None season 3 and has done a pretty amazing job at creating another beautiful piece from his mind. Also read: Master Of None Season 3: The Most Awaited Netflix Series Makes A Comeback